3 Types Of VR Gaming Events Ideal For Team Building

Posted on: 26 April 2023

Even if everyone works in the same office, they may not have the same connection or teamwork that you seek as their boss. One way to help with team building is through group events that provide more fun opportunities rather than just working. A VR gaming event can unite both in-office and remote workers as they bond through games and connect in a virtual world. 

Check out some of the VR gaming event ideas to help build teamwork and increase productivity at your business.

1. VR Sports Games

One of the easiest ways to get co-workers on the same page is by putting them on the same sports team. The world of VR contains a wide range of sports games. Co-workers can team up to play games like baseball or basketball. Some of the more silly experiences may include dodgeball fights.

You may also choose other sports like golf or bowling where players take individual turns, but can still play as part of a team and encourage each other through the whole process. Through the use of a VR rental company, your company can use multiple headsets and everyone can connect together through the same virtual experience.

2. VR Racing Games

Similar to sports games, the world of VR includes a wide range of racing games. Racing games could include traditional car racing, destruction-based car races, or sci-fi-inspired race games that include spaceships and other vehicles. Employees can work in teams to win the races and move up through the competition.

Along with the VR headsets, some of the racing games may include steering wheels and gas pedals to make the experience more realistic.

3. VR Mystery Challenges

Build up teamwork and logic with the use of puzzle and mystery VR games. For example, a group of VR players could all appear in the same escape room. Each player can explore the room, communicate with each other, and try to find clues to help escape.

The process includes a lot of communication and will help improve everyday communication with co-workers in the office. Along with general VR escape rooms, employees can enjoy a wide range of other mystery games where they find clues, solve puzzles, and explore vast virtual worlds. 

Before playing, everyone will get a chance to create their own virtual avatar. With the avatar, players have the opportunity to showcase some of their style and personality not often seen in the office. With this, people can connect on a more personal level.

Plan a corporate VR gaming event with your co-workers and help create new fun traditions along the way. Contact a local corporate VR gaming service to learn more.
